Huntingdon College Kingswood Initiative Church Leadership Program (CLP)

The Program

Huntingdon College seeks faithful, kingdom-minded women and men committed to service as leaders in Campus Ministries and in Montgomery-area congregations. Students accepted into the Kingwood Initiative Church Leadership Program (CLP) will have a four-year experience developing their leadership skills working alongside the Chaplain of the College and local church pastors and ministry staffs.

Huntingdon celebrates its connection not only to the United Methodist Church, but also to churches of many denominations located throughout the City of Montgomery as well as the smaller towns and rural areas of the surrounding River Region. Students in the Church Leadership Program will learn and practice a variety of skills, including worship planning, writing Bible and spiritual life studies, and preaching and teaching. A student interested in the Church Leadership Program should demonstrate a strong track record as a leader in the local church or in other ministry settings, clubs or organizations while in high school, and have a willingness to make involvement in the religious life program of Huntingdon College—both on- and off-campus—the cornerstone of their collegiate life outside the classroom.

Applications for the Church Leadership Program will be reviewed by the Office of Admission and the Chaplain of the College. Strong candidates will be invited to interview with the Chaplain.

Acceptance into the CLP carries a $16,000 scholarship (for students entering in fall 2023), renewable for a total of four years, with the following expectations:

  • Freshman year—Participation in regular campus worship services, both Tuesday Night Worship and Wednesday Chapel; participation in the worship planning team; working alongside the Chaplain to assist in the planning and implementation of various activities in the Campus Ministries program, including community service projects.
  • Sophomore and Junior years—In addition to continuing the freshman year expectations into the sophomore and junior years, CLP students will serve each of these two years alongside the Chaplain as an intern or as an intern in a local congregation to broaden the range of their leadership talents and abilities.
  • Senior year—Sole responsibility for the planning and direction of two Campus Ministries worship services each semester. Scheduled visits to various worshipping communities throughout Montgomery and the River Region, followed by reflection sessions with the Chaplain of the College.

All CLP students will be expected to maintain a four-year journal of Campus Ministries involvement, events attended, and lessons learned throughout their engagement in various ministry settings. A copy of journal entries for each year will be expected by the last day of the spring semester. Depending on the skill set, talents and interests of students in the CLP, students could receive an alternate assignment in a given year to satisfy the credit toward certificate completion.

Eligibility for Consideration:

Note: Because of the time commitment involved in this program, the CLP is not open to students who are involved in intercollegiate athletic teams, Esports, the Presidential Scholars Program, dance, cheer, or band.

To be considered for the CLP, a student must:

  • Be an incoming freshman;
  • Apply and be admitted to Huntingdon College without conditions;
  • Complete the CLP Application and submit it, along with a resume that includes your leadership and involvement in high school and community activities;

Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until all CLP spaces are awarded.

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